Climate action and striving for a better plan to tackle climate change has been a top priority for CM Travels. Achieving our own carbon neutrality is now a reality.

Partnering with South Pole CM Travels has been able to achieve this. By recognising that travel contributes to greenhouse gases, this year (2019) we as an organisation realised we needed to understand the language of carbon neutrality, carbon offsets, and mitigation programs and share our learnings with CM Travels members and the industry at large.

We have joined the Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) community and have aligned with their pledge – “As we continue on this journey, we aim to share with our valued community and clients some of the considerations and decisions we’re making along the way. Our goal is to inspire members to act so they, too, can mitigate and offset their carbon footprints as we collectively look for ways to reduce carbon emissions through every aspect of our collective operations”.

CM Travels recently contracted with South Pole to advise, oversee, analyse, and report on our climate action efforts. The company has kindly offered some advice on how CM Travels clients can start on their own climate action journey. This is now well under way and we have offset our own company emissions for 2019 as well as added remissions.

As mentioned by ATTA “according to South Pole, the decision to offset greenhouse gas emissions is about taking responsibility and climate action”, which we are now proud to say we have.

CM Travels is looking forward to being apart of these programs and doing our outmost to be a leader in our community and commit to offsetting all carbon emissions. 

CM Travels has also committed to the 1.5° Path – See below


We want to show our commitment to the world and to our valued clients that this is not something we take lightly. It is our responsibility to protect and preserve this amazing planet that we call home. Future generations deserve a brighter, healthier and happier world. 

This certificate is only the beginning of what we hope will become a legacy. With help from some very passionate and driven people we will be offsetting all our clients travels with CM Travels profits by supporting projects that help to off set our carbon emissions. We have been helped by our amazing clients so far who have offset their own travel emissions and their enthusiasm to do so gives us hope for a better future. 

We would like this number to grow. So help us make a difference, every little bit helps.  

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